And Now They Want You To Humanize Their AI Content - IMG

Searches for “How to humanize AI content” have grown 943% over the last 12 months. 

More people are trying to “pass the human check”, either to make AI content suck a little less or to blag AI content detection tools.

The process of “humanizing AI content” has become the de facto content strategy of growth-hungry companies.

Humanizing AI content is a flawed process

We all know the big glaring problems with AI content (and if you don’t, you can read about them here), but I don’t believe anthropomorphizing the bot is the solution.

In fact, I’d argue that humanizing the long-form content churned out by AI is an inherently flawed process.

The whole point of using AI is to drive speed, scale, and efficiency; getting humans to edit, and essentially rewrite, long-form AI prose completely undermines that value proposition.

By the time you’ve researched and added in the “rich” human element, you may as well have created the content from scratch yourself.

And the process of running “humanized” AI content through a detector is nonsensical – you’re literally getting an AI to validate humanity.

I’d spend hours editing the AI content I’d been saddled with so it could pass the human check, only to be gaslit into thinking my content was AI… by an AI?!

And I’m not the only victim. In a LinkedIn post, content consultant Kiran Shahid shared that AI detector tools would only verify her humanity when she wrote in first-person – a style of writing that clients are unlikely to sign off on.

I have seen similar experiences being shared in the Women In Tech SEO community

And on Reddit

Having human writers gussy up AI-generated content, only to have AI evaluate their humanity, is not just bizarre — it’s a flagrant waste of talent.

Read more at AHERF

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